Where to Stay



Athena Studio Units

69 – 71 Quinn St, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 4434

07 4622 2541


Best Western Bungil Creek Motel

5 – 7 Bowen St, Roma

Visit website

07 4624 2200

07 4622 2015


Bottle Tree Gardens Motel

22 Bowen St, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 6111

07 4622 6499


Club Hotel Motel

42 McDowall Street, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 1322

07 4622 4884


Mandalay Motel

39 Quintin Street, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 2711


Motel Carnarvon

18 Northern Road, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 1599

07 4622 4147

Free call 1800 621 155 for reservations


Overlander Homestead Motel

Warrego Highway, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 3555


Pete’s Place

77 Quintin Street

Visit website



Roma Central Motel

17-19 Bowen Street, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 8746


Roma Explorers Inn

44778 Warrego Highway, Roma

Visit website

07 4620 1400

07 4620 1488


Roma Inland Motor Inn

12 Northern Road, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 5515

07 4622 5518


Roma Mid Town Motor Inn

41 Hawthorne Street, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 2416

07 4622 2419


Roma Motel

11 Bowen Street, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 2288

07 4622 4723


Starlight Motor Inn

20B Bowen Street, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 2666

07 4622 2111

Free call 1800 066 022 for reservations


The Commonwealth Hotel

75 Wyndham Street, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 1330


The Queen’s Arms

88 McDowall St, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 1330

Farm Stays

Ups N Downs Caravan Park & Farm Stay

78 Hartley Lane, 5km north of Roma

0407 740 252

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Roma Aussie Tourist Park

6 Bowen St, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 6464

07 4622 6465

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Roma Big Rig Tourist Park

88 McDowall St, Roma

07 4622 2538

07 4622 1277

Free call 1800 222 535 for reservations

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Roma Bowls Club

35 Lovell Street

07 4622 1146

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Roma Gun Club

155 Geoghegan Road, Roma

Visit website

0476 674 514

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Villa Holiday Park

67-75 Northern Road, Roma

Visit website

07 4622 1309


Motels, Hotels, Caravan Parks & Cabins

Injune Motel

60 Hutton St, Injune

Visit website

07 4626 1328


Injune Haven

17 Station St, Injune

Visit website

07 4626 1667


Injune Motor Inn

12 – 16 Hutton St, Injune

Visit website

07 4626 1720


Injune Hotel

Cnr Station St & Second Ave, Injune

07 4626 1554

Free Camping

Injune Rodeo & Cutting Grounds

Carnarvon Hwy, Injune

07 4626 0503

No amenities

Farm Stays

Kenniff’s Gang Bush Camp

Mt Moffatt QLD 4465

Visit website

10km from Mt Moffatt National Park

Farm Stays

Maree’s Farmstay – AirBnB

Mt Moffatt QLD 4465

Visit website

15 minutes from Mt Moffatt National Park

Farm Stays

Wallaroo Outback Retreat

252 The Basin Road Injune

Visit website

4626 3746

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Carnarvon Gorge – Breeze Holiday Park

Carnarvon Gorge Via Carnarvon Gorge

Visit website

07 4984 4535

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Carnarvon Gorge – Sandstone Park

2858 Carnarvon Gorge Road Carnarvon Gorge

Visit website

1800 874 444

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Injune Caravan Park

2 Third Ave, Injune


Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Injune Racecourse (Possum Park)

Racecourse Rd, Injune

07 4626 0503

Cabins Only

Carnarvon Gorge – Wilderness Lodge

4034 Obriens Road, Carnarvon Park QLD 4702

Visit website

07 4984 4503


Motels, Hotels & Caravan Parks

Cambridge Motel

20 Cambridge St, Mitchell

07 3180 2170

Motels, Hotels & Caravan Parks

Major Mitchell Caravan Park

Warrego Hwy, Mitchell

Visit website

07 4623 6600

Motels, Hotels & Caravan Parks

Mitchell Motel

7 Caroline St, Mitchell

Visit website

07 4623 1355


Hotel Richards

67 Cambridge St, Mitchell

Visit website

07 4623 1398

Free Camping

Fisherman’s Rest

Warrego Hwy. Mitchell (6km West from Mitchell)

Donation Box

Free Camping

Major Mitchell Campsite

Forest Vale Rd, Mitchell

Free Camping

Neil Turner Weir

River St, Mitchell

Donation Box

Farm Stays


Waroong-Tooloombilla Rd, Mitchell (52km north-east from Mitchell)

07 4623 2721

Farm Stays

Muckadilla Hall

Warrego Hwy, Muckadilla

Behind Hall – Donation Box

Farm Stays

Springhill Country Craft Retreat


4623 1601


Motels, Hotels & Caravan Parks

Surat Caravan Park

Burrowes St, Surat

Visit website

07 4626 5218


Cobb & Co Country Motel

47-49 Charlotte St, Surat

0458 265 533


New Royal Hotel

Burrowes St, Surat

Visit website

07 4626 5310

Free Camping

Fisherman’s Park

Carnarvon Hwy, Surat

Toilet provided, no power.


Motels, Hotels & Caravan Parks

Federal Hotel-Caravans welcome

May St, Wallumbilla

07 4623 4315

Motels, Hotels & Caravan Parks

Wallumbilla Cabin Park

49 George St, Wallumbilla

07 4623 4000

Free Camping

Wallumbilla Showgrounds-Donation Box

Warrego Hwy, Wallumbilla


Motels, Hotels & Caravan Parks

Yuleba Hotel Motel

Warrego Highway, Yuleba

Visit website

07 4623 5211

Free Camping

Cobb & Co Park

Perry Street, Yuleba

Free Camping

Judd’s Lagoon

Moongool Rd (5km from Yuleba)

Donation Box

Free Camping

Judds Lagoon

Moongool Road, Yuleba

Free Camping

Old Yuleba

Moongool Rd, Yuleba

Free Camping

Old Yuleba

Moongool Road, Yuleba

Free Camping

The Maryanne

Yuleba Surat Road, Yuleba

Caravans welcome

Carnarvon Gorge & National Parks

Farm Stays

Kenniff’s Gang Bush Camp

Mt Moffatt QLD 4465

Visit website

10km from Mt Moffatt National Park

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Carnarvon Gorge – Breeze Holiday Park

Visit website

(07) 4984 4535

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Carnarvon Gorge Camping Area

Carnarvon Gorge O’Brien’s Road, Carnarvon Park QLD 4702

Visit website

Available during the Easter, June-July and September-October Queensland school holidays.

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Mount Moffatt

Mount Moffatt National Park

Visit website

Mount Moffatt has four camping areas catering for a range of experiences from walk-in camping to camper trailers and off-road caravans.

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

National Park Camping

Visit website

13 7468

Cabins, Caravan Parks & Camping

Sandstone Park

Visit website

1800 874 444

Cabins Only

Carnarvon Gorge – Wilderness Lodge

4034 Obriens Road, Carnarvon Park QLD 4702

Visit website

07 4984 4503